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IBM System z10 Enterprise Class Technical Guide

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 11 November 2009

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ISBN-10: 0738433772
ISBN-13: 9780738433776
IBM Form #: SG24-7516-02

Authors: Bill White, Per Fremstad, Wolfgang Fries, Marian Gasparovic, Parwez Hamid, Brian Hatfield, Dick Jorna, Fernando Nogal and Karl-Erik Stenfors

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication discusses the IBM System z10™ Enterprise Class, which offers a continuation of IBM scalable mainframe servers. Based on z/Architecture®, the IBM System z10 Enterprise Class (z10 EC) server provides major extensions by:

- Increasing the maximum number of processor units

- Providing fixed HSA where all devices, channel subsystems, and multiple subchannel sets are defined, thus better supporting dynamic changes

- Providing a base for major server consolidation by further removing memory, processor, and channel constraints

- Increasing the flexibility of capacity upgrades

This book provides an overview of the z10 EC and its functions, features, and associated software support. Greater detail is offered in areas relevant to technical planning.

This book is intended for systems engineers, consultants, planners, and anyone wanting to understand the System z10 Enterprise Class functions and plan for their usage. It is not intended as an introduction to mainframes. Readers are expected to be generally familiar with existing IBM System z technology and terminology.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introducing the System z10 Enterprise Class

Chapter 2. Hardware components

Chapter 3. System design

Chapter 4. I/O system structure

Chapter 5. Channel subsystem

Chapter 6. Cryptography

Chapter 7. Software support

Chapter 8. System upgrades

Chapter 9. RAS

Chapter 10. Environmental requirements

Chapter 11. Hardware Management Console


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