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The Ins and Outs of XML and DB2 for i5/OS

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 24 October 2006

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ISBN-10: 0738496901
ISBN-13: 9780738496900
IBM Form #: SG24-7258-00

Authors: Hernando Bedoya, Jarek Miszczyk, Robert Andrews, David Andruchuk, Hernando Bedoya and Emily Chun

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XML represents a fundamental change in computing. It allows applications to move away from proprietary file and data formats to a world of open data interchange. XML has become ubiquitous not only because of its range of applications, but also because of its ease of use.

Although XML solves many problems by providing a standard format for data interchange, some challenges remain. In the real world, applications need reliable services to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. These services have traditionally been offered by DB2 for i5/OS.

In this IBM Redbooks publication, we discuss the challenges of representing XML hierarchies in the relational database model. We provide an in-depth explanation of the three most popular approaches to bridge the hierarchy, the relational model dichotomy:

  • Programmatically process the XML documents and map their hierarchy into a relational database.

  • Use database middleware to handle the XML parsing and XML-to-relational database mapping.

  • Use Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Transformation to transform inbound XML documents directly to SQL scripts.

We also share best practices and techniques aimed at streamlining the XML and DB2 for i5/OS integration.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Introduction to DB2 for i5/OS and the scenario

Chapter 1. Introduction to XML integration with DB2 for i5/OS

Chapter 2. Scenario overview

Part 2. Programmatic approach

Chapter 3. Using SQL to compose XML

Chapter 4. Using XSL Transformation and SQL

Chapter 5. Using RPG for XML processing

Chapter 6. Using SAX and Java to decompose XML

Chapter 7. Advantages and disadvantages of the programmatic approach

Part 3. Middleware approach

Chapter 8. Overview of DB2 XML Extender

Chapter 9. Performance-related information regarding XML Extender

Chapter 10. Shredding methodology

Chapter 11. Composing methodology

Chapter 12. Advantages and disadvantages of the middleware approach

Part 4. Moving forward

Chapter 13. A look into the future

Appendix A. Additional material


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