Published on 26 October 2016
ISBN-10: 0738455504
ISBN-13: 9780738455501
IBM Form #: REDP-5359-00
Authors: Center Client IBM Montpellier, Nigel Williams, Olivier Boehler, Philippe Bruschet, Francois Capristo, Alexis Chretienne, Stéphane Faure, Richard Gamblin, Fabrice Jarassat, Arnaud Mante and Irene Stahl
This IBM® Redpaper™ publication discusses the need to monitor and measure different workloads, especially mobile workloads. It introduces the workload classification capabilities of IBM z Systems™ platforms and helps you to understand how recent enhancements to IBM MVS™ Workload Management (WLM) and other IBM software products can be used to measure the processor cost of mobile workloads.
This paper looks at how mobile-initiated and other transactions in IBM CICS®, IMS™, DB2®, and WebSphere® Application Server can be "tagged and tracked" using WLM. For each of these subsystems, the options for classifying mobile requests and using WLM to measure mobile workloads are reviewed.
A scenario is considered in which a bank is witnessing a significant growth in mobile initiated transactions, and wants to monitor and measure the mobile channels more closely. This paper outlines how the bank can use WLM to do this.
This publication can help you to configure WLM mobile classification rules. It can also help you to interpret Workload Activity reports from IBM RMF™ Post Processor and to report on the CPU consumption of different workloads, including mobile and public cloud workloads.
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Using MVS WLM to measure mobile workloads
Chapter 3. Subsystem considerations
Chapter 4. Example scenario
Appendix A. Mobile channel architecture
Appendix B. Analysis of CICS CPU consumption
Appendix C. IBM Banking Showcase