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IBM z/OS V2R2: Unix Systems Services

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 16 December 2015

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ISBN-10: 073844099X
ISBN-13: 9780738440996
IBM Form #: SG24-8310-00

Authors: Keith Winnard and Paul Robert Hering

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    This IBM® Redbooks® publication familiarizes you with the technical changes that were introduced into the UNIX System Services areas with IBM z/OS® V2R2.

    This book is one of a series of IBM Redbooks publications that take a modular approach to providing information about the updates that are included within z/OS V2R2. This approach has the following goals:

    - Provide modular content

    - Group the technical changes into a topic

    - Provide a more streamlined way of finding relevant information that is based on the topic

    We hope you find this approach useful. We value your feedback.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. 64-bit z/OS UNIX stacks above the bar

    Chapter 2. z/OS UNIX Shell and Utilities man pages

    Chapter 3. z/OS UNIX file system support in ISPF

    Chapter 4. Enhancements for the System z file system

    Chapter 5. z/OS OpenSSH new functions

    Chapter 6. z/OS UNIX Tools and Solutions

    Appendix A. Additional material


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