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IBM z/OS V2R2: Operations

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 17 December 2015, updated 10 January 2017

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ISBN-10: 0738441333
ISBN-13: 9780738441337
IBM Form #: SG24-8305-00

Authors: Keith Winnard, Natalia Barros, Jose Gilberto Biondo Jr, Wilson de Figueiredo, Paul Robert Hering, Jaqueline Mourao and Ewerton Waki

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication helps you to become familiar with the technical changes that were introduced into the Operations areas with IBM z/OS® V2R2.

This book includes the following chapters:

- Chapter 1, “SMFLIMxx parmlib member” on page 1 describes how to set up job cancel decisions and region and MEMLIMIT values, based on the job and its environment.

- Chapter 2, “REGIONX” on page 5 describes the new REGIONX JCL keyword that supports two storage specifications and with which the user can specify values for their below-the-line storage and above-the-line storage needs.

- Chapter 3, “Two million open data sets” on page 9 describes the ability to have open up to 2,000,000 data sets at a time by address spaces while reducing the allocation time for data sets.

- Chapter 4, “Dynamic APF SMF Record” on page 11 describes the new SMF record that is used to track dynamic APF changes.

- Chapter 5, “Initial program load device number and volume” on page 13 describes the new message that is used to identify the initial program load (IPL) device and volume.

- Chapter 6, “Infoprint enhancements” on page 15 describes the enhancements that were made to Infoprint in z/OS V2R2.

- Chapter 7, “GRS EQDQ Monitor” on page 19 describes the monitor capture diagnostics for problem determination while minimizing the effect to system performance.

- Chapter 8, “BCPii System Management Facilities recording” on page 23 describes the record changes to hardware.

- Chapter 9, “Provisioning based on CPU consumption” on page 25 describes the provisioning that is dynamically based on CPU consumption.

- Chapter 10, “System REXX enhancements” on page 31 describes the new functions and interfaces of System Rexx.

This book is one of a series of IBM Redbooks publications that take a modular approach to providing information about the updates that are included with z/OS V2R2. This approach has the following goals:

- Provide modular content

- Group the technical changes into a topic

- Provide a more streamlined way of finding relevant information that is based on the topic

We hope you find this approach useful and we welcome your feedback.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. SMFLIMxx parmlib member

Chapter 2. REGIONX

Chapter 3. Two million open data sets

Chapter 4. Dynamic APF SMF Record

Chapter 5. Initial program load device number and volume

Chapter 6. Infoprint enhancements

Chapter 7. GRS EQDQ Monitor

Chapter 8. BCPii System Management Facilities recording

Chapter 9. Provisioning based on CPU consumption

Chapter 10. System REXX enhancements


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