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Adopting IBM PureApplication System V1.0

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 06 May 2013, updated 11 December 2013

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ISBN-10: 0738438014
ISBN-13: 9780738438016
IBM Form #: SG24-8113-00

Authors: D Shivaji Bhosale, Gabor Gyetvai, Valter Inacio Jr., Ajay Krishna, Marcelo Mota Manhaes, Eduardo Monich Fronza and Shailendra Tangirala

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication introduces users to the concepts of the IBM PureApplication™ System V1.0. This book covers the most common problems, solutions, best practices, and use cases about adopting the IBM PureApplication System V1.0.

The target audience for this book is anyone from the IT industry who wants to acquire a better understanding of IBM PureApplication System, including technical consultants, business partners, and independent software vendors who are considering migrating to a cloud computing solution. This book also is applicable to system administrators, middleware specialists, and software engineers who need a more in-depth approach to PureApplication System features and capabilities.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Integrating the IBM PureApplication System into an existing Datacenter

Chapter 3. Usage patterns for isolating applications

Chapter 4. PureApplication Deployment Models

Chapter 5. Customizing Virtual System Patterns in PureApplication System

Chapter 6. Customizing Virtual Application Patterns in the IBM Pure Application System

Chapter 7. Integration of PureData for Transaction with PureApplication System

Chapter 8. Troubleshooting PureApplication System Environment

Chapter 9. High Availability and Disaster Recovery


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