ISBN-10: 073843728X
ISBN-13: 9780738437286
IBM Form #: SG24-8028-00
Authors: Chuck Ballard, Tuvia Alon, Naveen Dronavalli, Stephen Jennings, Mark Lee and Sachiko Toratani
Typical deployment architectures introduce challenges to fully using the shared metadata platform across products, environments, and servers. Data privacy and information security requirements add even more levels of complexity. IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server provides a comprehensive, metadata-driven platform for delivering trusted information across heterogeneous systems.
This IBM Redbooks® publication presents guidelines and criteria for the successful deployment of InfoSphere Information Server components in typical logical infrastructure topologies that use shared metadata capabilities of the platform, and support development lifecycle, data privacy, information security, high availability, and performance requirements. This book can help you evaluate information requirements to determine an appropriate deployment architecture, based on guidelines that are presented here, and that can fulfill specific use cases. It can also help you effectively use the functionality of your Information Server product modules and components to successfully achieve your business goals.
This book is for IT architects, information management and integration specialists, and system administrators who are responsible for delivering the full suite of information integration capabilities of InfoSphere Information Server.
Chapter 1. InfoSphere Information Server overview
Chapter 2. InfoSphere Information Server installation topologies
Chapter 3. Metadata management
Chapter 4. Lifecycle management of assets
Chapter 5. Metadata deployment architectures
Chapter 6. Deployment use cases