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Optimizing DB2 Queries with IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 18 August 2012, updated 20 December 2012

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ISBN-10: 0738437093
ISBN-13: 9780738437095
IBM Form #: SG24-8005-00

Authors: Paolo Bruni, Patric Becker, Willie Favero, Ravikumar Kalyanasundaram, Andrew Keenan, Steffen Knoll, Nin Lei, Cristian Molaro and P S Prem

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The IBM® DB2® Analytics Accelerator Version 2.1 for IBM z/OS® (also called DB2 Analytics Accelerator or Query Accelerator in this book and in DB2 for z/OS documentation) is a marriage of the IBM System z® Quality of Service and Netezza® technology to accelerate complex queries in a DB2 for z/OS highly secure and available environment. Superior performance and scalability with rapid appliance deployment provide an ideal solution for complex analysis.

This IBM Redbooks® publication provides technical decision-makers with a broad understanding of the IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator architecture and its exploitation by documenting the steps for the installation of this solution in an existing DB2 10 for z/OS environment.

In this book we define a business analytics scenario, evaluate the potential benefits of the DB2 Analytics Accelerator appliance, describe the installation and integration steps with the DB2 environment, evaluate performance, and show the advantages to existing business intelligence processes.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Business analytics with DB2 for z/OS

Chapter 1. Data warehousing on System z

Chapter 2. The DB2 for z/OS integrated solution

Part 2. Sample DB2 Analytics Accelerator implementation

Chapter 3. The business scenario

Chapter 4. Feasibility study

Chapter 5. Installation and configuration

Chapter 6. Workload Manager settings for DB2 Analytics Accelerator

Chapter 7. Monitoring DB2 Analytics Accelerator environments

Chapter 8. Operational considerations

Chapter 9. Using Studio client to define and load data

Chapter 10. Query acceleration management

Chapter 11. Latency management

Chapter 12. Performance considerations

Chapter 13. Security considerations

Part 3. Additional topics

Chapter 14. Analytics and reporting on System z

Chapter 15. Data sharing and disaster recovery

Appendix A. Recommended maintenance

Appendix B. Additional material


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