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WebSphere eXtreme Scale Best Practices for Operation and Management

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 10 August 2011, updated 22 August 2011

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ISBN-10: 0738435929
ISBN-13: 9780738435923
IBM Form #: SG24-7964-00

Authors: Ying Ding, Bertrand Fayn, Art Jolin, Hendrik Van Run, Carla Sadtler, Chunmo Son, Sukumar Subburaj and Tong Xie

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    This IBM® Redbooks® publication contains a summary of the leading practices for implementing and managing a WebSphere® eXtreme Scale installation. The information in this book is a result of years of experience that IBM has had in with production WebSphere eXtreme Scale implementations. The input was received from specialists, architects, and other practitioners who have participated in engagements around the world.

    The book provides a brief introduction to WebSphere eXtreme Scale and an overview of the architecture. It then provides advice about topology design, capacity planning and tuning, grid configuration, ObjectGrid and backing map plug-ins, application performance tips, and operations and monitoring.

    This book is written for a WebSphere eXtreme Scale-knowledgeable audience.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction to WebSphere eXtreme Scale

    Chapter 2. WebSphere eXtreme Scale architecture

    Chapter 3. Topology and infrastructure

    Chapter 4. Capacity planning and tuning

    Chapter 5. Grid configuration

    Chapter 6. Performance planning for application developers

    Chapter 7. Operations and monitoring

    Appendix A. Sample code

    Appendix B. Additional material


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