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IBM System Blue Gene Solution Blue Gene/Q Application Development

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 12 June 2013, updated 13 February 2014

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ISBN-10: 0738438235
ISBN-13: 9780738438238
IBM Form #: SG24-7948-01

Authors: Megan Gilge

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This IBM® Redbooks® publication is one in a series of IBM books written specifically for the IBM System Blue Gene® supercomputer, Blue Gene/Q®, which is the third generation of massively parallel supercomputers from IBM in the Blue Gene series. This document provides an overview of the application development environment for the Blue Gene/Q system. It describes the requirements to develop applications on this high-performance supercomputer.

This book explains the unique Blue Gene/Q programming environment. This book does not provide detailed descriptions of the technologies that are commonly used in the supercomputing industry, such as Message Passing Interface (MPI) and Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP). References to more detailed information about programming and technology are provided.

This document assumes that readers have a strong background in high-performance computing (HPC) programming. The high-level programming languages that are used throughout this book are C/C++ and Fortran95. For more information about the Blue Gene/Q system, see "IBM Redbooks" on page 159.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. System overview

Chapter 2 Kernel functionality

Chapter 3. Processes

Chapter 4. Memory

Chapter 5. Compute Node Kernel interfaces

Chapter 6. Parallel paradigms

Chapter 7. Developing applications with Blue Gene/Q compilers

Chapter 8. Running and debugging applications

Appendix A. Mapping

Appendix B. Blue Gene/Q personality

Appendix C. PAMI and MPI header files and libraries

Appendix D. MPI and CNK environment variables

Appendix E. Using GNU profiling

Appendix F. Hardware performance counters

Appendix G. Requirements for C++ programming in a failover environment


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