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Portal Application Development Using WebSphere Portlet Factory

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 18 January 2008

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ISBN-10: 0738488658
ISBN-13: 9780738488653
IBM Form #: SG24-7525-00

Authors: John Bergland, David Bowley, Emily Chan, Thulsi Krishnan, Jason Lee, Devang Patel and Alfredo Navarro

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    WebSphere Portlet Factory is a powerful and flexible tool for rapidly building portlets on top of a service-oriented architecture. Developers are able to quickly and easily leverage their company's core assets, automatically assembling them into custom, high-value portlets.

    Within this IBM Redbooks publication, we show you specific techniques and a best practices approach for developing portlets using WebSphere Portlet Factory. Using a fictitious company scenario, we discuss how to build a Customer Self Service and Customer Representative application. Within this context, we cover the following topics:

    - Installing and configuring the Portlet Factory development Environment,

    - How to create and consume data services from SQL, Domino and a Web Service,

    - Step by step guidance for creating the portlets and enabling inter-portlet communication,

    - Advanced UI design techniques, including the use of AJAX for type ahead functionality and working with the DoJo Builders,

    - Enabling the use of Profiling

    - Deployment Production Considerations, and

    - Troubleshooting and Debugging techniques

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction

    Chapter 2. Scenario Introduction

    Chapter 3. Creating Projects

    Chapter 4. Data Services: overview and interface definition

    Chapter 5. Creating Data Services: access to back-end systems

    Chapter 6. Creating Portlets - Making it work

    Chapter 7. Creating Portlets - Designing the UI

    Chapter 8. Enabling Portlet Communication

    Chapter 9. Customizing the application using profiling

    Chapter 10. Creating the Go Shopping Portlet

    Chapter 11. Production Deployment

    Chapter 12. Troubleshooting, Debugging & Error Handling

    Appendix A. Setting up the Environment

    Appendix B. Creating a web service using WebSphere Portlet Factory

    Appendix C. Remote Deployment

    Appendix D. Configuring the RAD Unified Test Environment

    Appendix E. Considerations for WAS CE

    Appendix F. Execution Processing

    Appendix G. Source Control and Team Development

    Appendix H. Additional material


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