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Implementing InfiniBand on IBM System p

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 18 September 2007

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ISBN-10: 0738486515
ISBN-13: 9780738486512
IBM Form #: SG24-7351-00

Authors: Dino Quintero, Dr. Norbert Conrad, Rob Desjarlais, Marc-Eric Kahle, Jung-Hoon Kim, Hoang-Nam Nguyen, Tony Pirraglia, Fernando Pizzano, Shi Lei Yao and Octavian Lascu

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This IBM Redbooks publication will illustrate the installation procedures of InfiniBand on the IBM System p5 with Linux and AIX 5L. InfiniBand adapters, switches, and network management software will be described in this publication. The IBM HPC stack will be tested with InfiniBand (Parallel Environment, LoadLeveler, GPFS, ESSL, and Parallel ESSL). Communication protocols such as MPI and LAPI will be tested and observations will be illustrated in this book.

This book is the complete guide on how to implement InfiniBand on the IBM System p5. It is targeted at all IT professionals looking to understand what is behind the InfiniBand technologies, how to deploy it, and what is the IBM solution incorporating this technology.

Table of Contents

Part 1. InfiniBand architecture

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Introduction to InfiniBand technology

Chapter 3. InfiniBand hardware overview and implementation

Part 2. Implementation

Chapter 4. InfiniBand on AIX 5L

Chapter 5. IBM System p cluster with InfiniBand and SUSE SLES 9

Part 3. Support

Chapter 6. Problem determination

Chapter 7. Best practices

Chapter 8. Monitoring tools for InfiniBand adapter

Appendix A. InfiniBand security

Appendix B. Cluster Ready Hardware Server

Appendix C. Function cross table: Linux for AIX sysadmins

Appendix D. Installing OFED and eHCA on Linux Kernel 2.6.16, 2.6.17, and 2.6.18


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