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Getting Started with WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus V6

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 14 June 2006, updated 14 June 2006

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ISBN-10: 073849710X
ISBN-13: 9780738497105
IBM Form #: SG24-7212-00

Authors: Bill Moore, Martin Keen, Antonio Carvalho, Michael Hamann, Prasad Imandi, Ron Lotter, Philip Norton, Christian Ringler and Gabriel Telerman

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    IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus is a flexible connectivity infrastructure for integrating applications and services. It is designed to enable the development of a service-oriented architecture (SOA). This IBM Redbooks publication guides you through the capabilities and product features of WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus V6.0. It also contains step-by-step examples of how to build resources for WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus using WebSphere Integration Developer.

    Part 1 introduces WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus and positions it among other SOA and Enterprise Service Bus product offerings from IBM.

    Part 2 describes how to install and configure both WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus and WebSphere Integration Developer and explains how to perform key concepts and tasks using these products.

    Part 3 explains the administration and testing capabilities, including step-by-step examples.

    Part 4 provides development examples that show step-by-step how to develop solutions using mediation primitives, how to integrate with services, and how to deliver qualities of service.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Product overview

    Chapter 1. Welcome to this redbook

    Chapter 2. Key technologies and concepts

    Chapter 3. WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus overview and product positioning

    Part 2. Configuration and usage

    Chapter 4. Setting up the development environment

    Chapter 5. Setting up the runtime environment

    Chapter 6. WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus key concepts and related technologies

    Chapter 7. WebSphere Integration Developer key concepts and common tasks

    Part 3. Administration and testing

    Chapter 8. Testing, debugging and problem determination

    Chapter 9. Administering WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus

    Part 4. Development examples

    Chapter 10. Preparing for the development examples

    Chapter 11. Developing integration logic using mediation modules

    Chapter 12. Developing mediation logic using mediation primitives

    Chapter 13. Configuring modules to provide quality of service

    Part 5: Appendixes

    Appendix A. Additional material

    Appendix B. Hints and tips


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