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Experiences with Oracle Database 10g on z/OS

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 30 June 2004

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ISBN-10: 0738497940
ISBN-13: 9780738497945
IBM Form #: SG24-7055-00

Authors: Viviane Anavi-Chaput, Kathryn Arrell, Pat Blaney, Dennis Dutcavich, Bruce Frank, Michael Gorman and Tom Russell

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    This IBM Redbooks publication will help you install, tailor and configure the new Oracle Database 10g on z/OS. It describes experiences with the new installation process, and will be especially useful for anyone unfamiliar with the Oracle Universal Installer and IBM UNIX System Services who is installing Oracle Database 10g for the first time.

    The book is based on experiences gained during installations at:

    - The IBM/Oracle International Competency Center, San Mateo, California

    - The IBM ITSO zSeries Center in Poughkeepsie, New York

    - Oracle Headquarters, Redwood Shores, California

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Overview of Oracle Database 10g

    Chapter 2. Preparing to install the Oracle Database 10g

    Chapter 3. Installing the Oracle Libraries

    Chapter 4. Customizing the subsystem for Oracle

    Chapter 5. Creating the Oracle Database

    Chapter 6. Connecting to the Oracle Database with SQLPlus

    Chapter 7. Managing Oracle workload with z/OS Workload Manager

    Chapter 8. Installing the Intelligent Agent

    Chapter 9. Using an IBM ESS with an Oracle database

    Appendix A. Options for setting up the X Windows environment

    Appendix B. Creating a Hierarchical File System (HFS)

    Appendix C. Installing the Oracle Client

    Appendix D. Restarting the OUI using the deinstall option

    Appendix E. Silent install example


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