WebSphere V5 for Linux on zSeries Connectivity Handbook
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 09 July 2004
ISBN-10: 0738490342
ISBN-13: 9780738490342
IBM Form #: SG24-7042-00
Authors: Viviane Anavi-Chaput, Michael Rask Christensen, Joerg Haertel, Joerg Schmidbauer and Lynn Winkelbauer
This IBM Redbooks publication discusses Linux-based Java applications connecting to z/OS and VSE backend environments on zSeries. This book describes the implementation and deployment of Websphere Application Server, Java frontend applications, and the J2EE connectors needed on Linux for zSeries to connect to backend applications, such as CICS, IMS, DB2 and MQ on zSeries. This book explains the J2EE Connector architecture and provides the following comprehensive connector scenarios for connections to both z/OS and VSE backend environments:
- CICS Transaction Gateway
- IMS Connect
- WebSphere MQ
- JDBC to DB2
Chapter 1. J2EE connector architecture overview
Chapter 2. Introducing the connectors test environment
Chapter 3. The Trader applications
Chapter 4. WebSphere Application Server setup
Chapter 5. CICS J2EE connectors
Chapter 6. Using SOAP to communicate with CICS
Chapter 7. DB2 connectors
Chapter 8. WebSphere MQ connectors
Chapter 9. IMS J2EE connectors
Chapter 10. VSE Java-based connector to access VSAM data
Chapter 11. VSE Java-based connector to access DL/1 data
Chapter 12. VSE VSAM Redirector connector
Appendix A. VSE/ESA code samples
Appendix B. Additional material