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ABCs of z/OS System Programming: Volume 4

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 10 February 2011

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ISBN-10: 073843499X
ISBN-13: 9780738434995
IBM Form #: SG24-6984-00

Authors: Paul Rogers and Paul Rogers

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    This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes the functions of z/OS® Communications Server.

    z/OS Communications Server provides a set of communications protocols that support peer-to-peer connectivity functions for both local and wide-area networks, including the most popular wide-area network, the Internet. z/OS Communications Server also provides performance enhancements that can benefit a variety of TCP/IP applications.

    z/OS Communications Server provides both SNA and TCP/IP networking protocols for z/OS. The SNA protocols are provided by VTAM® and include Subarea, Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking, and High Performance Routing protocols.

    z/OS Communications Server exploits z/OS UNIX® services even for traditional MVS™ environments and applications. Prior to utilizing TCP/IP services, therefore, a full-function mode z/OS UNIX environment including a Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMSdfp), a z/OS UNIX file system, and a security product (such as Resource Access Control Facility, or RACF®) must be defined and active before z/OS Communications Server can be started successfully.

    The ABCs of z/OS System Programming is a 13-volume collection that provides an introduction to the z/OS operating system and the hardware architecture. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced system programmer, the ABCs collection provides the information that you need to start your research into z/OS and related subjects. If you want to become more familiar with z/OS in your current environment, or if you are evaluating platforms to consolidate your e-business applications, the ABCs collection will serve as a powerful technical tool.

    The contents of the volumes are as follows:

    Volume 1: Introduction to z/OS and storage concepts, TSO/E, ISPF, JCL, SDSF, and z/OS delivery and installation

    Volume 2: z/OS implementation and daily maintenance, defining subsystems, JES2 and JES3, LPA, LNKLST, authorized libraries, SMP/E, Language Environment®

    Volume 3: Introduction to DFSMS, data set basics storage management hardware and software, catalogs, and DFSMStvs

    Volume 4: Communication Server, TCP/IP, and VTAM

    Volume 5: Base and Parallel Sysplex®, System Logger, Resource Recovery Services (RRS), global resource serialization (GRS), z/OS system operations, automatic restart management (ARM), Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex™ (GDPS®)

    Volume 6: Introduction to security, RACF, Digital certificates and PKI, Kerberos, cryptography and z990 integrated cryptography, zSeries® firewall technologies, LDAP, and Enterprise identity mapping (EIM)

    Volume 7: Printing in a z/OS environment, Infoprint Server and Infoprint Central

    Volume 8: An introduction to z/OS problem diagnosis

    Volume 9: z/OS UNIX System Services

    Volume 10: Introduction to z/Architecture®, zSeries processor design, zSeries connectivity, LPAR concepts, HCD, and HMC

    Volume 11: Capacity planning, performance management, RMF™, and SMF

    Volume 12: WLM

    Volume 13: JES3

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introducing z/OS Communications Server

    Chapter 2. VTAM concepts for SNA networks

    Chapter 3. TCP/IP stack

    Chapter 4. Network connectivity

    Chapter 5. IP routing

    Chapter 6. z/OS UNIX, FTP, and security


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