DB2 9 for z/OS: Distributed Functions
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 30 July 2009, updated 27 May 2011
ISBN-10: 0738433225
ISBN-13: 9780738433226
IBM Form #: SG24-6952-01
Authors: Paolo Bruni, Nisanti Mohanraj, Cristian Molaro, Yasuhiro Ohmori, Mark Rader and Rajesh Ramachandran
Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®) is a set of protocols that permits multiple local and remote database systems and application programs, to work together. Any combination of relational database management products that use DRDA can be connected to form a distributed relational database management system. DRDA coordinates communication between systems by defining what can be exchanged and how it must be exchanged.
DB2® for z/OS® Distributed Data Facility (DDF) is a built-in component which provides the connectivity to and from other servers or clients over the network. DDF is a full-function DRDA compliant transaction monitor which, equipped with thread pooling and connection management, can support very large networks. Different z/OS workload management priorities can be assigned to different, user-specified classes of DDF-routed application work.
In this IBM® Redbooks® publication we describe how to set up your DDF environment, and how to deploy the DDF capabilities in different configurations, including how to develop applications that access distributed databases.
We also describe a set of more advanced features, such as thread pooling and high availability distributed configurations, in a DB2 data sharing environment, as well as the traces available to you to do performance monitoring and problem determination.
In summary, we show how a high-volume, highly available transactional application can be successfully implemented with a DB2 for z/OS data server accessed by all types of application servers or clients running on the same or different platform.
Part 1. Distributed database architecture and configurations
Chapter 1. Architecture of DB2 distributed systems
Chapter 2. Distributed database configurations
Part 2. Setup and configuration
Chapter 3. Installation and configuration
Chapter 4. Security
Part 3. Distributed applications
Chapter 5. Application programming
Chapter 6. Data sharing
Part 4. Performance and problem determination
Chapter 7. Performance analysis
Chapter 8. Problem determination
Appendix A. DRDA related maintenance
Appendix B. The TRADE workload
Appendix C. Sample applications
Appendix D. Sample programs for performance analysis