Architecting High Availability Using WebSphere V6 on z/OS
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 23 March 2006
ISBN-10: 0738494011
ISBN-13: 9780738494012
IBM Form #: SG24-6850-02
Authors: Patrick Ryan, Amr Khafagy, Brian De Pradine, Frank Pani, Hong Min and G Michael Connolly
In this IBM Redbooks publication, we describe how to configure the various components of an e-business solution to exploit the availability and scalability benefits of zSeries and Parallel Sysplex using multiple LPARs running Linux for zSeries and z/OS.
This publication applies to WebSphere for z/OS V6, and is a continuation of the project evaluating high availability using WebSphere for z/OS V5 and V4. Presented in three parts (theory, systems setup, and availability tests), we cover workload balancing, the use of HTTP sessions, various architectures, and how to set up and test your infrastructures.
Considerations for configuring the systems and applications in an e-business environment are also examined, and we address such questions as:
- Should there be separate front-end systems for running the WebSphere Application Server?
- How should e-business components be configured to minimize or eliminate the impact of a system outage?
- What is the best way to communicate between the WebSphere systems and the back-end application systems?
- What is the impact on the end user if there is a failure in one of the front-end or back-end systems?
Part 1. Theory
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Considerations for scalability
Chapter 3. Workload balancing
Chapter 4. HTTP sessions
Chapter 5. Architectures for availability
Chapter 6. WebSphere platform messaging
Part 2. System setup
Chapter 7. Setting up the infrastructure
Chapter 8. Setting up the z/OS infrastructure
Chapter 9. Setting up the messaging infrastructure
Part 3. Availability tests
Chapter 10. Applications used
Chapter 11. Planned Infrastructure outages
Chapter 12. Unplanned outages
Chapter 13. Application availability tests