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Introduction to the New Mainframe: Security

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 03 April 2007, updated 26 April 2007

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ISBN-10: 0738489646
ISBN-13: 9780738489643
IBM Form #: SG24-6776-00

Authors: Rica Weller, Ross Clements, Ken Dugdale, Per Fremstad, Olegario Hernandez, William C. Johnston, Patrick Kappeler, Linda Kochersberger, Abey Tedla, Jeff Thompson and Ashwin Venkatraman

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    This book provides students of information systems with the background knowledge and skills necessary to begin using the basic security facilities of IBM System z. It enables a broad understanding of both the security principles and the hardware and software components needed to insure that the mainframe resources and environment are secure. It also explains how System z components interface with some non-System z components. A multi-user, multi-application, multi-task environment such as System z requires a different level of security than that typically encountered on a single-user platform. In addition, when a mainframe is connected in a network to other processors, a multi-layered approach to security is recommended. Students are assumed to have successfully completed introductory courses in computer system concepts. Although this course looks into all the operating systems on System z, the main focus is on IBM z/OS. Thus, it is strongly recommended that students have also completed an introductory course on z/OS.

    Others who will benefit from this course include experienced data processing professionals who have worked with non-mainframe-based platforms, as well as those who are familiar with some aspects of the mainframe environment or applications but want to learn more about the security and integrity facilities and advantages offered by the mainframe environment.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Overview of security fundamentals

    Chapter 1. Why do we need security and why use a mainframe?

    Chapter 2. The bookstore--a case study

    Chapter 3. Security Concepts

    Chapter 4. Elements of security

    Part 2. Hardware and Networking security

    Chapter 5. System z architecture and security

    Chapter 6. System z virtualization and its challenges

    Chapter 7. Cryptography on System z

    Chapter 8. Network Security for System z

    Part 3. Securing operating systems on System z

    Chapter 9. z/OS System Integrity

    Chapter 10. z/OS System Authorization Facility and Security Managers

    Chapter 11. Security in z/OS UNIX

    Chapter 12. z/OS Communications Security

    Chapter 13. Security in z/VM

    Chapter 14. Security in Linux on System z

    Chapter 15. Security in z/VSE

    Chapter 16. Security in z/TPF

    Part 4. Security in Middleware and Applications

    Chapter 17. Data Management Security

    Chapter 18. Transaction security

    Chapter 19. Web-based security

    Chapter 20. Security for Identity Management

    Part 5. Information Security Program and Compliance

    Chapter 21. Creating an Information Security Program

    Chapter 22. Compliance and Certification

    Chapter 23. Operational Information Security Policy and Management

    Chapter 24. Security Audits

    Appendix A. Security Integrity Models

    Appendix B. z/OS UNIX General Resource Classes

    Appendix C. The Mainframe Charter


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