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Introduction to the New Mainframe: Networking

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 11 August 2006, updated 07 November 2006

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ISBN-10: 0738494798
ISBN-13: 9780738494791
IBM Form #: SG24-6772-00

Authors: Mike Ebbers, Christopher Hastings, Matt Nuttall and Micky Reichenberg

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    This IBM Redbooks publication is designed for a one-semester course intended to provide information systems students with the background knowledge and skills necessary to begin using the basic communications facilities of a mainframe-based system. It provides a broad understanding of networking principles and the hardware and software components necessary to allow the mainframe to participate in a high volume data communications network. It is part of a planned series of textbooks designed to introduce students to mainframe concepts and help prepare them for a career in large systems computing.

    While many of the networking concepts covered are operating system-independent, the main emphasis is on the z/OS operating system. You are assumed to have successfully completed introductory courses in computer system concepts, including courses in computer organization and architecture, operating systems, data management and data communications, and systems design and analysis.

    A basic understanding of z/OS job control, library structure, and system libraries is assumed. It is strongly recommended that you have already completed an introductory course on z/OS, such as one that uses Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics or a comparable text. In some instances, the z/OS Basics course and the course associated with this textbook could be taken together.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Introduction to networking on the mainframe 1

    Chapter 1. Mainframes and networks 3

    Chapter 2. Network layers and protocols review 23

    Chapter 3. Hardware connectivity on the mainframe 49

    Chapter 4. Sample configuration 73

    Part 2. TCP/IP implementation on the mainframe 85

    Chapter 5. TCP/IP on z/OS 87

    Chapter 6. TCP/IP in a sysplex 111

    Part 3. SNA and SNA/IP implementation on the mainframe 141

    Chapter 7. Systems Network Architecture - basics and implementation 143

    Chapter 8. SNA Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) 177

    Chapter 9. SNA/IP implementation 225

    Chapter 10. TN3270 Enhanced 257

    Part 4. Network operations and administration 275

    Chapter 11. Operational procedures 277

    Chapter 12. Network security 301

    Chapter 13. Problem determination 323


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