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Software Configuration Management: A Clear Case for IBM Rational ClearCase and ClearQuest UCM

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 15 December 2004

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ISBN-10: 0738491594
ISBN-13: 9780738491592
IBM Form #: SG24-6399-00

Authors: Ueli Wahli, Jennie Brown, Matti Teinonen and Leif Trulsson

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This IBM Redbooks publication describes configuration management in general and how it is implemented in the Rational products ClearCase and ClearQuest. The target audience for this book is anyone considering a software configuration management (SCM) solution, and in particular, project managers and configuration management leaders responsible for medium and large UCM deployments.

In Part 1 we introduce the general concept of software configuration management (SCM), and why software asset and lifecycle management is good business. We describe an SCM strategy that leads to the ClearCase and ClearQuest products.

In Part 2 we provide the details for planning and implementing SCM using a ClearCase environment, focusing on the test environment, network, servers, and clients.

In Part 3 we introduce ClearQuest, its terminology, the roles and responsibilities of the different types of users, and the infrastructure required for a UCM environment. We also provide the details for planning and implementing ClearQuest.

In Part 4 we introduce unified change management (UCM) using ClearCase UCM and ClearQuest, including design considerations for an effective UCM implementation, and how UCM is used to manage complexity by raising the level of abstraction.

In Part 5 we describe how to do parallel development in multiple geographical locations using ClearCase and ClearQuest MultiSite, including detailed procedures for planning and implementing MultiSite for a UCM environment.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Introduction to SCM

Chapter 1. The quest for software lifecycle management

Chapter 2. Choosing the right SCM strategy

Chapter 3. Why ClearCase and ClearQues

Chapter 4. Mapping and terminology of the IBM Rational product set

Chapter 5. Planning for software configuration management

Part 2. Implementing ClearCase

Chapter 6. Planning for ClearCase

Chapter 7. Setting up ClearCase

Part 3. Implementing ClearQuest for UCM

Chapter 8. Planning for ClearQuest

Chapter 9. Setting up ClearQuest

Part 4. Implementing Unified Change Management

Chapter 10. Implementing UCM

Chapter 11. Managing complexity

Part 5. Implementing distributed UCM with MultiSite

Chapter 12. Planning for distributed development using MultiSite

Chapter 13. Setting up the distributed development environment

Chapter 14. Implementing MultiSite

Part 6. Appendixes

Appendix A. Sample SCM plan template

Appendix B. Base ClearCase quick guide

Appendix C. ClearCase administration directory files

Appendix D. Creating ClearQuest parent-child linked records

Appendix E. WebSphere Studio and Eclipse integration best practices

Appendix F. Additional material


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