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Using LDAP for Directory Integration

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 12 February 2004

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ISBN-10: 073849898X
ISBN-13: 9780738498980
IBM Form #: SG24-6163-01

Authors: Steven Tuttle, Kedar Godbole and Grant McCarthy

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    Directories are key for a successful IT operation and e-business application deployments in medium and large environments. IBM understands this requirement and supports it by providing directory implementations based on industry standards at no additional cost on all its major platforms and even on important non-IBM platforms. The IBM Directory Server implements the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) standard that has emerged quickly in the past years as a result of the demand for such a standard.

    We concentrate on some advanced LDAP tasks, such as referrals and schema extensibility. We also provide a scenario-based approach to discuss Directory Integration, using some of the leading directory products available: the IBM Directory Server, IBM Directory Integrator, Lotus Domino, and Microsoft’s Active Directory.

    This IBM Redbooks publication will help you understand, install, and configure the IBM Directory Server into a heterogeneous repository environment. It is targeted at system specialists who need to know the concepts and the detailed instructions for a successful Meta directory implementation.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction to Directory Integration

    Chapter 2. Scenario 1: Domino and Active Directory

    Chapter 3. Scenario 2: Directory Server and Active Directory

    Chapter 4. Scenario 3: Directory Server and Domino

    Chapter 5. Scenario 4: Integrating data from three different sources

    Appendix A. Configurations

    Appendix B. LDAP Standards


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