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CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA: CICS Web Support

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 28 November 2000

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ISBN-10: 073841932X
ISBN-13: 9780738419329
IBM Form #: SG24-5997-00

Authors: Erich Amrehn, Gregg Bartowitz, Hans Joachim Ebert, Kenneth Johnsen and Benno Sauer

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CICS Web Support (CWS) is a new function in CICS Transaction Server for VSE/ESA 1.1.1. CWS first became available in OS/390 with CICS TS 1.2, and was enhanced in Release 1.3. This 1.3 functionality was ported to CICS TS for VSE/ESA 1.1.1.

CICS Web Support is an effective solution for the VSE/ESA user community. It is a powerful 2-tier Web enablement solution that is easy to plan for and simple to implement. Our goal for this IBM Redbooks publication is to provide you with the information to use this great e-business connector. CWS unites browser technology with S/390. This provides tremendous flexibility to the end-user community while capitalizing on S/390 performance, reliability, scalability, availability, and data integrity.

This book discusses and positions the new CICS TS for VSE/ESA 1.1.1 CICS Web Support (CWS) and 3270 bridge. It provides a broad understanding of the new architecture, together with examples and samples to help customers in their planning and implementation of CWS. CWS employs a unique approach for using an e-business connector in the VSE/ESA environment.

This book also discusses planning for CWS, installation, and customization. It provides the guidance you need to design new solutions and upgrade existing solutions.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction to VSE/ESA connector solutions

Chapter 2. CICS Web Support environment overview

Chapter 3. CWS planning, implementation, and customization

Chapter 4. Writing Web applications

Chapter 5. Accessing existing 3270 transactions

Chapter 6. Security and performance

Chapter 7. Problem determination and application debugging

Appendix A. Listings


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