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C/C++ Applications on z/OS and OS/390 UNIX

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 26 December 2001

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ISBN-10: 0738424544
ISBN-13: 9780738424545
IBM Form #: SG24-5992-01

Authors: Michael MacIsaac, Ralph Best, Johan Koppernaes, Ka Yin Lam, Raymond Mak, Daniel Prevost and George Reid

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    In this IBM Redbooks publication, we focus on how to move applications written in C/C++ from other UNIX operating systems to z/OS UNIX System Services. We highlight the traditional strengths of z/OS, and describe some of the subsystems not always found on other UNIX variations. We address application development tools, the C/C++ compiler, and open source development code such as the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) and the Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE). We also suggest some performance tuning techniques.

    Finally, a "real world" port of a C/C++ application is detailed. First we describe the application itself, and then discuss the following aspects of the port:

    Before What we did to set up the application development environment

    During Which issues we encountered while porting to z/OS

    After How we tuned the application once it was running

    In conclusion, we summarize our overall findings. Many additional appendixes are included for reference such as:

    - A comparison of z/OS and GNU compilers and make tools

    - OS/390 C/C++ compiler ASCII support

    - STLPort information

    - Discussion of dumps

    - Performance analyzer output

    - OS/390 UNIX Porting Guide - process management

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. z/OS and OS/390 tools

    Chapter 2. UNIX and C/C++ basics in z/OS

    Chapter 3. z/OS UNIX development tools

    Chapter 4. z/OS C/C++ compiler

    Chapter 5. Standard C++ Library

    Chapter 6. Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE)

    Chapter 7. Performance and tuning techniques

    Chapter 8. net.TABLES Application

    Chapter 9. Establishing a development environment

    Chapter 10. Porting net.TABLES

    Chapter 11. Tuning net.TABLES

    Chapter 12. Conclusions from net.TABLES port

    Chapter 13. Porting Xalan-C++

    Appendix A. Sample code

    Appendix B. Comparison of z/OS and GNU compiler and make tools

    Appendix C. OS/390 C/C++ compiler ASCII support

    Appendix D. STLPort

    Appendix E. Dumps

    Appendix F. Performance analyzer output

    Appendix G. Bit field

    Appendix H. OS/390 UNIX Porting Guide - process management


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