e-Business Intelligence: Leveraging DB2 for Linux on S/390
An IBM Redbooks publication
Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.
Published on 25 July 2001
ISBN-10: 0738419605
ISBN-13: 9780738419602
IBM Form #: SG24-5687-00
Authors: Viviane Anavi-Chaput
This IBM Redbooks publication discusses leveraging DB2 for Linux on S/390 for new e-BI opportunities. It shows the possible Linux configurations on S/390 and describes the advantages of consolidating UNIX data mart farms on unique IBM eServers using DB2 for Linux on S/390.
The book describes how to set up DB2 for Linux in a Linux LPAR and how to customize the database connections (using DB2 Connect for Linux) to the DB2 for OS/390 data warehouse residing in an OS/390 LPAR on the same machine.
It also includes early scalability and performance tests on queries and data population techniques run at the IBM S/390 Teraplex Center in Poughkeepsie, New York.
Ch. 1 Overview of Linux
Ch. 2 BI consolidations using Db2 for Linux on S/390
Ch. 3 Introducing the test environment
Ch. 4 Setting up Linux on S/390
Ch. 5 Implementing DB2 for Linux on S/390
Ch. 6 Building the data mart with DB2 for Linux
Ch. 7 Scalability and performance tests for data population
Ch. 8 Scalability and performance tests for queries
Ch. 9 Administrating and monitoring the BI environment
App. A Teraplex LPAR resource matrix
App. B DB2 for Linux scripts to create the data mart
App. C Data population scripts
App. D Table definitions and query scripts