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S/390 File and Print Serving

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 02 March 2000

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ISBN-10: 0738415677
ISBN-13: 9780738415673
IBM Form #: SG24-5330-01

Authors: Michael MacIsaac, Jim Elliott, Alan Martens, Alan Nichols, Michel Plouin, Jeri Sampson, Harald Schneider and Derek Zhang

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This IBM Redbooks publication discusses S/390 file and print serving solutions. It will help you install, tailor, and configure the following file and print serving solutions on S/390:

- LANRES for OS/390, VM and VSE

- NFS, two-tier and a three-tier solutions, both on OS/390 and VM

- Samba, both for OS/390 and VM

- The new SMB Server for OS/390

- Infoprint Server

Additionally, the future of the LAN Server product is discussed.

Tables are included with the pros and cons of each solution, and with answers to commonly asked questions about each solution.

This book will be of value for NetWare, Windows, OS/2, UNIX, and S/390 users, as well as for IT planners, system administrators, system programmers, and others who are interested in LAN file server consolidation on S/390.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. LANRES

Chapter 3. LAN Server and LAN File Services - end of service

Chapter 4. NFS for OS/390

Chapter 5. NFS for VM/ESA

Chapter 6. Samba for OS/390

Chapter 7. Samba for VM/ESA

Chapter 8. DFS/SMB for OS/390

Chapter 9. Infoprint Server

Chapter 10. Conclusion

Appendix A. LANRES-related information

Appendix B. NFS-related information

Appendix C. SMB-related information


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