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Domino for iSeries Sizing and Performance Tuning

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 04 April 2002, updated 11 April 2002

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ISBN-10: 0738422517
ISBN-13: 9780738422510
IBM Form #: SG24-5162-01

Authors: Wilfried Blankertz, Christina Fasth, Kim Greene, Deb Landon, Brandon Rau and Colin Stamp

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    Explore the methodologies and approaches to assist in providing optimal performance of Lotus Domino for iSeries! This IBM Redbooks publication targets technical professionals who are responsible for, or must advise on, the installation and administration of Lotus Domino servers on IBM eServer iSeries servers. It can also be used by performance specialists to gain knowledge on how to collect, measure, analyze, and extrapolate performance data from Domino servers. This book offers you the ability to translate these methodologies into your own situation and come up with specific performance analysis strategies and a set of tuning parameters for the best possible performance.

    This book shows a detailed approach for:

    - Estimating an appropriate configuration for a new iSeries server to run Domino

    - Measuring Domino application performance

    - Tuning Domino servers and OS/400 resources for optimal use

    - Understanding the impact of many configuration settings

    - Considering partitioning, clustering, the use of text search, indexing, and views

    - Improving throughput of the integration of Domino and DB2 UDB for iSeries

    - Analyzing the impact of the various Domino server tasks

    - Tuning Domino HTTP server workloads

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction

    Chapter 2. Overview of Lotus Domino for iSeries

    Chapter 3. Sizing Domino for iSeries using the Workload Estimator

    Chapter 4. Basic concepts of performance analysis

    Chapter 5. Domino logs and statistics

    Chapter 6. Tuning the iSeries server for Lotus Domino

    Chapter 7. Tuning Lotus Domino for better performance on iSeries

    Chapter 8. Understanding the Domino server jobs

    Chapter 9. Integration with DB2 performance tips and techniques

    Chapter 10. Clustering and partitioning

    Chapter 11. Internet and intranet performance tips

    Chapter 12. The iSeries Dedicated Server for Domino

    Chapter 13. Domino transaction logging on iSeries

    Appendix A. Capacity planning for Domino server using BEST/1

    Appendix B. SMTP and AnyMail/400 Mail Server Framework (MSF) jobs

    Appendix C. Important notes.ini parameters

    Appendix D. Domino R5 statistics


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