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Advanced Functions and Administration on DB2 Universal Database for iSeries

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 14 December 2001

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ISBN-10: 0738422320
ISBN-13: 9780738422329
IBM Form #: SG24-4249-03

Authors: Hernando Bedoya, Daniel Lema, Vijay Marwaha, David F Squires and Mark Walas

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Dive into the details of DB2 Universal Database for iSeries advanced functions and database administration. This IBM Redbooks publication aims to equip programmers, analysts, and database administrators with all the skills and tools necessary to take advantage of the powerful features of the DB2 Universal Database for iSeries relational database system. It provides suggestions, guidelines, and practical examples about when and how to effectively use DB2 Universal Database for iSeries.

This book contains information that you may not find anywhere else, including programming techniques for the following functions:

- Referential integrity and check constraints

- DRDA over SNA, DRDA over TCP/IP, and two-phase commit

- DB2 Connect

- Import and Export utilities

This book also offers a detailed explanation of the new database administration features that are available with Operations Navigator in V5R1. Among the tools, you will find:

- Database Navigator

- Reverse engineering and Generate SQL

- Visual Explain

- Database administration using Operations Navigator

With the focus on advanced functions and administration in this fourth edition of the book, we moved the information about stored procedures and triggers into a new book -- "Stored Procedures and Triggers on DB2 Universal Database for iSeries", SG24-6503.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Background

Chapter 1. Introducing DB2 UDB for iSeries

Chapter 2. Using advanced functions: An Order Entry application

Part 2. Advanced functions

Chapter 3. Referential integrity

Chapter 4. Check constraint

Chapter 5. DRDA and two-phase commitment control

Chapter 6. DB2 Import and Export utilities

Part 3. Database administration

Chapter 7. Database administration

Chapter 8. Database Navigator

Chapter 9. Reverse engineering and Generate SQL

Chapter 10. Visual Explain

Appendix A. Order Entry application: Detailed flow

Appendix B. Referential integrity: Error handling example


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