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Securing Your Mobile Mainframe

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 29 December 2015

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ISBN-10: 0738454885
ISBN-13: 9780738454887
IBM Form #: REDP-5176-01

Authors: Mild Wilhelm , Martina von dem Bussche and Robert L. Kennedy

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To achieve business goals today, Systems of Record (SoR) that are serving transactional and data services must interface with Systems of Engagement (SoE) that are increasingly represented by mobile devices. System security and integrity is an IBM commitment and a focus for this Point of View.

This document is for businesses that are interested in end-to-end security from the mobile device to the transactional end point.

The following critical topics are covered:

- Secured mobile transaction challenges

- The mainframe as the backbone for secure mobile workloads

- The four pillars of security

- End-to-end security for a typical mobile application

- Customer examples

Table of Contents

Security challenges evolve, and so does the security environment with IBM z Systems

Mobile is changing mainframe security challenges

Why the mainframe is the backbone for secure mobile workloads

What's next: How IBM can help


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