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System z in a Mobile World

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 24 January 2014

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IBM Form #: REDP-5088-00

Authors: Nigel Williams and Frank van der Wal

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    As organizations engage with customers, partners, and employees who are increasingly using mobile as their primary general-purpose computing platform, these organizations have tremendous opportunity to transact—everything from exchanging information to exchanging goods and services, from employee self-service to customer service. This mobile engagement allows you to build new insight into your customer’s behavior so that you can anticipate their needs and gain a competitive advantage by offering new services.

    Becoming a mobile enterprise is about re-imagining your business around constantly connected customers and employees. The speed of mobile adoption dictates transformational innovation rather than incremental innovation. Mobile really is a “disrupt or be disrupted” technology.

    This brings some specific challenges:

    • Reacting to a new set of user expectations about the way they interact with your company
    • Delivering high-quality mobile applications quickly and efficiently
    • Coping with sudden unexpected increases in mobile initiated transactions, for example when a new sales offer becomes available
    • Managing a wide range of different devices and adapting the existing enterprise security framework to the unique security challenges of a mobile environment

    This IBM® Redbooks® Point-of-View publication highlights how IBM System z plays an important role in today’s mobile world by providing the secure and stable base that you need to extend existing enterprise data and transactions to mobile users.

    Table of Contents

    Mobile from an enterprise perspective

    The role of System z

    What’s next: How IBM can help


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