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Performance and Capacity Implications for Big Data

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 15 January 2014, updated 07 February 2014

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ISBN-10: 0738453587
ISBN-13: 9780738453583
IBM Form #: REDP-5070-00

Authors: Dave Jewell, Ricardo Dobelin Barros, Stefan Diederichs, Lydia M. Duijvestijn, Michael Hammersley, Arindam Hazra, Corneliu Holban, Yan Li, Osai Osaigbovo, Andreas Plach, Ivan Portilla, Mukerji Saptarshi, Harinder P. Seera, Elisabeth Stahl and Clea Zolotow

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    Big data solutions enable us to change how we do business by exploiting previously unused sources of information in ways that were not possible just a few years ago. In IBM® Smarter Planet® terms, big data helps us to change the way that the world works.

    The purpose of this IBM Redpaper™ publication is to consider the performance and capacity implications of big data solutions, which must be taken into account for them to be viable. This paper describes the benefits that big data approaches can provide. We then cover performance and capacity considerations for creating big data solutions. We conclude with what this means for big data solutions, both now and in the future.

    Intended readers for this paper include decision-makers, consultants, and IT architects.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1. Introduction

    Chapter 2. Big data overview and benefits

    Chapter 3. What big data means for performance and capacity

    Chapter 4. Performance and capacity for big data solutions today and tomorrow

    Chapter 5. Summary


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