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IBM zEnterprise System: Smart Infrastructure for Today's Heterogeneous Business Applications


Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 22 July 2010

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IBM Form #: REDP-4645-00

Authors: Alex Kooijmans Louwe, Nancy Burchfield, Fernando Ferreira, Tomoyuki Maekawa and Daniel Raisch

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Do you find yourself focusing too much on your IT infrastructure these days - and not enough on providing value to your business?

Increasingly, business applications span heterogeneous platforms, appliances and devices, and this wide range of resources creates real issues for IT shops trying to meet business objectives. Simply adding servers, routers, and other IT equipment ultimately will not solve your IT challenges, and may even make them worse. Even using virtualization techniques can only go so far in helping you to manage a massive number of servers, routers, and other devices. The ability to manage resources for these heterogeneous applications as one logical entity has been lacking - until now.

The IBM® zEnterprise System technology, referred to as zEnterprise, combines scalable computing power with a groundbreaking new architecture that is able to manage heterogeneous workloads from a single point of control. It combines faster and more powerful IT infrastructures with innovative ways to take advantage of IT resources in an efficient and dynamic manner. zEnterprise is designed with a new vision in mind, in which scalable computing power, world class Quality of Service, virtualization, provisioning, and resource management are layered on top of a multiplatform architecture, connected through a dedicated and highly secure network.

This IBM Redguide™ publication shows you sample application topologies that illustrate the zEnterprise value in solving your most urgent IT challenges. Read on and discover how zEnterprise could become a game changer in managing your complex IT landscape!

Table of Contents

Executive overview

Today's business maxim: Innovate or die

The urgent challenge: Innovating through economic uncertainty

IBM zEnterprise System value proposition

Getting started with IBM zEnterprise System



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