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Architecting Java solutions for CICS

An IBM Redbooks course


First available 03 April 2017


This course presents the compelling reasons for developing Java applications in CICS Transaction Server. The course covers the various usage models of Java applications in CICS, along with an explanation of the technologies involved.

    • Primary: IT architects
    • Also applicable to: CICS systems programmers and application developers

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Section  01


An overview of this course, with an introduction to the requirements and overall learning objectives.

Lecture 1: Course introduction (1 min 10 secs)

This lecture provides an introduction to the course, explaining at a high-level the aims of the course.

Section  02

Overview of Java in CICS

This section provides a detailed review of Java support in CICS.

Lecture 1: Mixed language applications in CICS (6 mins 34 secs)

This lecture covers the unique capabilities of CICS as a mixed-language application server and how this enables Java applications to seamlessly integrate with CICS applications written in other languages.

Lecture 2: Java support in CICS (10 mins 53 secs)

This lecture describes Java support in CICS including an overview of the OSGi and Liberty JVM servers, the unique functionality of the IBM Java SDK on z/OS and the exploitation of zIIP speciality processors by Java.

Lecture 3: Java application development for CICS (7 mins 10 secs)

This lecture explores the different Java APIs available in CICS including JCICS, Java SE and Java EE, and a description of how these APIs are supported through the CICS Explorer SDK.

Lecture 4: Use cases for Java applications for CICS (6 mins 20 secs)

This lecture describes the most common scenarios for Java applications deployed into CICS, including: web applications, web services, new Java components and Java batch.

Section  03


A summary of the key points.

Lecture 1: Course summary (1 mins 05 secs)

This lecture provides a recap of what we learned in the course.