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Hybrid Cloud Integration and Monitoring with IBM WebSphere Cast Iron

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 14 December 2012

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ISBN-10: 0738437603
ISBN-13: 9780738437606
IBM Form #: SG24-8016-00

Authors: R Andre Araujo, Jag Dhillon, Karen Durston, Sunil Joshi, David Kwock, Sean Liu and Loic Marsollier

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Cloud computing is fast emerging as a new consumption and delivery model for IT solutions. Two distinct cloud patterns have evolved. Private clouds are custom cloud applications that are on premise to companies. Public clouds are owned and managed by a service provider and are delivered on a pay-per-use basis. Although the debate between the use of private versus public cloud continues, the industry is moving ever faster toward a hybrid solution. Hybrid clouds address the integration of traditional IT environments with one or more clouds, private and public.

IBM® WebSphere® Cast Iron® along with the IBM Tivoli® Service Management Extensions for Hybrid Cloud supports the integration of private and public clouds.The Service Management Extensions for Hybrid Cloud supports the following scenarios:

  • Provisioning hybrid cloud resources

  • Monitoring hybrid cloud resources

  • Governing and managing workloads that use hybrid cloud resources

  • Provisioning users from LDAP to IBM LotusLive™

      This IBM Redbooks® publication is intended for application integrators, integration designers, and administrators evaluating or using IBM WebSphere Cast Iron. In addition, executives, business leaders, and architects who are looking for a way to integrate cloud applications with their on-premise applications are shown how WebSphere Cast Iron can help to resolve their integration challenges. The book helps you gain an understanding of hybrid cloud use cases, and explains how to integrate cloud and on-premise applications quickly and simply.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Introduction

Chapter 1. Overview of hybrid clouds

Chapter 2. Integrating cloud solutions with Cast Iron

Chapter 3. IBM Cloud Service Management Platform

Part 2. Usage scenarios

Chapter 4. Monitoring scenario

Chapter 5. Provisioning scenario

Chapter 6. Directory Synchronization scenario

Chapter 7. Workload Governance and Management scenario


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