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Extending IBM Business Process Manager to the Mobile Enterprise with IBM Worklight

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 13 February 2015

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ISBN-10: 0738440329
ISBN-13: 9780738440323
IBM Form #: SG24-8240-00

Authors: Ahmed Abdel-Hamid, Scott Andrews, Ali Arsanjani, Hala Aziz, Owen Cline, Jorge Gonzalez-Orozco, Chris Hockings, Tony Kambourakis and Steve Mirman

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In today's business in motion environments, workers expect to be connected to their critical business processes while on-the-go. It is imperative to deliver more meaningful user engagements by extending business processes to the mobile working environments.

This IBM® Redbooks® publication provides an overview of the market forces that push organizations to reinvent their process with Mobile in mind. It describes IBM Mobile Smarter Process and explains how the capabilities provided by the offering help organizations to mobile-enable their processes.

This book outlines an approach that organizations can use to identify where within the organization mobile technologies can offer the greatest benefits. It provides a high-level overview of the IBM Business Process Manager and IBM Worklight® features that can be leveraged to mobile-enable processes and accelerate the adoption of mobile technologies, improving time-to-value. Key IBM Worklight and IBM Business Process Manager capabilities are showcased in the examples included in this book. The examples show how to integrate with IBM Bluemix™ as the platform to implement various supporting processes.

This IBM Redbooks publication discusses architectural patterns for exposing business processes to mobile environments. It includes an overview of the IBM MobileFirst reference architecture and deployment considerations.

Through use cases and usage scenarios, this book explains how to build and deliver a business process using IBM Business Process Manager and how to develop a mobile app that enables remote users to interact with the business process while on-the-go, using the IBM Worklight Platform.

The target audience for this book consists of solution architects, developers, and technical consultants who will learn the following information:

  • What is IBM Mobile Smarter Process

  • Patterns and benefits of a mobile-enabled Smarter Process

  • IBM BPM features to mobile-enable processes

  • IBM Worklight features to mobile-enable processes

  • Mobile architecture and deployment topology

  • IBM BPM interaction patterns

  • Enterprise mobile security with IBM Security Access Manager and IBM Worklight

  • Implementing mobile apps to mobile-enabled business processes

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Mobile Smarter Process overview

Chapter 2. IBM Worklight Foundation V6.2 overview

Chapter 3. IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.5 overview

Chapter 4. Architecture patterns for mobile-enabled processes

Chapter 5. Enterprise mobile security with IBM Security Access Manager and IBM Worklight

Chapter 6. Scenario 1: Getting started

Chapter 7. Scenario 2: Advanced features

Chapter 8. Deeper insight through IBM Business Process Manager and IBM Worklight analytics

Appendix A. Samples included with this book

Appendix B. Additional material

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