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Combining Business Process Management and Enterprise Architecture for Better Business Outcomes

An IBM Redbooks publication


Published on 31 March 2011

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ISBN-10: 0738435619
ISBN-13: 9780738435619
IBM Form #: SG24-7947-00

Authors: T. Claus Jensen, Owen Cline and Martin Owen

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    This IBM® Redbooks® publication explains how to combine business process management (BPM) and Enterprise Architecture (EA) for better business outcomes. This book provides a unique synergistic approach to BPM and EA, based on a firm understanding of the life cycles of the enterprise and the establishment of appropriate collaboration and governance processes. When carried out together, BPM provides the business context, understanding, and metrics, and EA provides the discipline to translate business vision and strategy into architectural change. Both are needed for sustainable continuous improvement.

    This book provides thought leadership and direction on the topic of BPM and EA synergies. Although technical in nature, it is not a typical IBM Redbooks publication. The book provides guidance and direction on how to collaborate effectively across tribal boundaries rather than technical details about IBM software products.

    The primary audience for this book is leaders and architects who need to understand how to effectively combine BPM and EA to drive, as a key differentiator, continuous improvement and transformational change with enterprise scope.

    Table of Contents

    Part 1. Better business outcomes

    Chapter 1. Coordinating planning and delivery

    Chapter 2. BPM and EA defined

    Chapter 3. BPM and EA synergies

    Part 2. From tribes to nations

    Chapter 4. BPM methods and tools

    Chapter 5. EA methods and tools

    Chapter 6. Stop copying; start linking

    Chapter 7. The role of standards

    Chapter 8. Governing change

    Chapter 9. Effective enterprise collaboration

    Part 3. A worked example

    Chapter 10. EA applied

    Chapter 11. BPM applied

    Chapter 12. Linking EA and BPM artifacts

    Chapter 13. Four select collaboration scenarios


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