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Understanding LDAP - Design and Implementation

An IBM Redbooks publication

Note: This is publication is now archived. For reference only.


Published on 16 June 2004, updated 19 July 2006

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ISBN-10: 073849786X
ISBN-13: 9780738497860
IBM Form #: SG24-4986-01

Authors: Steven Tuttle, Ami Ehlenberger, Ramakrishna Gorthi, Jay Leiserson, Richard Macbeth, Nathan Owen, Sunil Ranahandola, Michael Storrs and Chunhui Yang

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The implementation and exploitation of centralized, corporate-wide directories are among the top priority projects in most organizations. The need for a centralized directory emerges as organizations realize the overhead and cost involved in managing the many distributed micro and macro directories introduced in the past decade with decentralized client/server applications and network operating systems.

Directories are key for successful IT operation and e-business application deployments in medium and large environments. IBM understands this requirement and supports it by providing directory implementations based on industry standards at no additional cost on all its major platforms and even important non-IBM platforms. The IBM Directory Server implements the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) standard that has emerged quickly in the past years as a result of the demand for such a standard.

This IBM Redbooks publication will help you create a foundation of LDAP skills, as well as install and configure the IBM Directory Server. It is targeted at security architects and specialists who need to know the concepts and the detailed instructions for a successful LDAP implementation.

Table of Contents

Part 1. Directories and LDAP

Chapter 1. Introduction to LDAP

Chapter 2. LDAP concepts and architecture

Chapter 3. Planning your directory

Part 2. IBM Tivoli Directory Server overview and installation

Chapter 4. IBM Tivoli Directory Server overview

Chapter 5. ITDS installation and basic configuration - Windows

Chapter 6. ITDS installation and basic configuration - AIX

Chapter 7. ITDS installation and basic configuration on Intel Linux

Chapter 8. IBM Tivoli Directory Server installation - IBM zSeries

Part 3. In-depth configuration and tuning

Chapter 9. IBM Tivoli Directory Server Distributed Administration

Chapter 10. Client tools

Chapter 11. Schema management

Chapter 12. Group and role management

Chapter 13. Replication

Chapter 14. Access control

Chapter 15. Securing the directory

Chapter 16. Performance tuning

Chapter 17. Monitoring IBM Tivoli Directory Server

Part 4. Developing directory-enabled applications

Chapter 18. Debugging IBM Tivoli Directory Server related issues

Chapter 19. Developing C-based applications

Chapter 20. Developing JNDI-based applications

Part 5. Appendixes

Appendix A. DSML Version 2

Appendix B. Directory Integration - IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator

Appendix C. Moving RACF users to TBDM

Appendix D. Schema changes that are not allowed


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