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Improving Police "Body Cam" Programs with an End-to-End Solution

An IBM Redpaper publication


Published on 08 January 2016, updated 13 January 2016

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ISBN-10: 0738454931
ISBN-13: 9780738454931
IBM Form #: REDP-5276-00

Authors: Richard Budel, Peter Coldicott, Steve Correl, Don Dejewski, Mark Dixon and Peter Williams

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    Policing in the 21st Century saw major advances in technology and operational efficiency and an increased focus on accountability. Citizens play a huge role in the equation as critical first communicators at crime and accident scenes. The perspective of the law enforcement officer (LEO) is equally vital. And today, that perspective is frequently, and increasingly, captured by using body-worn cameras (BWCs).

    This IBM® Redpaper™ publication aims to identify the key technical areas to address when a police agency deploys BWCs. However, rather than focus on the camera itself, we describe a powerful IBM platform that provides an end-to-end solution to help police agencies manage their BWC programs, save money, and adhere to the growing list of rules that govern the use of BWCs.

    The end-to-end IBM solution includes these critical functions:

    • A single content management/video repository that supports digital evidence from multiple video sources and BWC technologies (IBM FileNet Content Manager with a video library tool)
    • Records management software to apply rules for handling and retaining video (IBM Enterprise Records)
    • Video analytics and redaction capabilities (IBM Intelligent Video Analytics)
    • Storage options for the captured video, possibly including on-premises storage (IBM Elastic Storage™ Server and optionally, the IBM Linear Tape File System™ for direct access or archiving)

    The paper focuses on BWCs that are used by law enforcement agencies. Yet, the discussion is also applicable to BWCs that are worn by first responders, the military, corporate security personnel, and others.

    Table of Contents


    Background and current landscape

    BWC lifecycle

    IBM solution overview

    Anticipated future developments for BWC programs

    Next steps

    How IBM can help



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