
This IBM Redbooks publication will update SG24-8518 and describe how to maximize the data serving capabilities on LinuxONE and how you can take advantage of these capabilities to modernize your enterprise.
This book will include a new Chapter providing summary information about Oracle. The "Customer Value" section will be broadened to also apply to data serving on LinuxONE in general. A final Chapter will mention other DBMS offerings that run on LinuxONE, such as Db2, Mongo, EDB, Redis, etc.

Fill Out Nomination


Benefits to Resident


IBM Redbooks want technical practitioners to be recognized for their newly gained knowledge, experience, and accomplishments. Therefore, upon successful delivery of the publication produced by this IBM Redbooks residency, you will become eligible to earn an IBM Redbooks Digital Badge issued through Credly.



Resident Prerequisites

A basic requirement for all residents is the ability to read and clearly express concepts and procedures in common English.


Skills NeededRequested Skill Level
LinuxONE architecture4
IBM Hyper Protect4
Blockchain technology (w/regards to HPVS)4
IBM Cloud Pak for Data4
Oracle DB4

Scale is 1 = None, 2 = Limited, 3 = Average, 4 = Good and 5 = Excellent.

Documentation Skills

Documentation Skills NeededRequested Doc Skill Level

Scale is 1 = None, 2 = Limited, 3 = Average, 4 = Good and 5 = Excellent.

Social Media Skills

Social Media Skills NeededRequested Soc Media Skill Level

Scale is 1 = None, 2 = Limited, 3 = Average, 4 = Good and 5 = Excellent.

Start Date
28 May 2024

End Date
28 Jun 2024

5 weeks

Residents needed
5 (Clients, Business Partners, IBMers)

Residency Location
No primary location

Residency Leader
Lydia Parziale

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