Performance Implications of Cloud Computing

An IBM Redpaper publication

Published 16 August 2012, updated 04 April 2013

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IBM Form #: REDP-4875-00
(28 pages)

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Authors: Elisabeth Stahl, Lydia Duijvestijn, Avin Fernandes, Pamela K. Isom, Dave Jewell, Martin Jowett, Todd R. Stockslager


In this IBM® Redbooks® publication, we present the performance and capacity of the evolving cloud computing model. We provide an overview of cloud computing and its potential benefits from IT and business perspectives. We also present different cloud computing deployment models and roles involved in delivering cloud solutions.

We present design and delivery solutions, highlighting the key performance and capacity considerations, and outline performance engineering considerations. We conclude by reviewing current cloud offerings and briefly evaluate their performance. We provide use case scenarios for clarification and elaboration of real-life cases where performance considerations are part of the cloud solution strategy.

This paper is intended for IT professionals who are interested in adding cloud computing solutions to their data management systems. This paper also is intended for business professionals who seek a basic understanding of the performance implications of using cloud computing to deliver their business capabilities.

In follow-on papers, we detail performance considerations in depth, from the perspectives of those who are responsible for creating cloud solutions and those who are responsible for managing the solutions after deployment. For more information, see Performance and Capacity Themes for Cloud Computing, REDP-4876.

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